Final Exam "Cultural Communication I"

This exam has been adapted from telc gGmbH materials.

It has been set up here in order to assess candidates' proficiency of the English language. The target level lies between B2 and C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

Please read the following information BEFORE you start the test:

You have 90 minutes to complete all tasks and you have only one attempt at the test, so...

... make sure you sit in a quiet and comfortable place where you will be undisturbed for at least 90 minutes.

... keep some paper and a pen/pencil ready in case you want to write something down during the test.

... make sure you have a stable Internet connection, well-functioning speakers, and, if you are using a portable device, that the battery is fully charged.

By starting the test below, you are confirming the following (Indem Sie auf “Test jetzt durchführen” klicken, stimmen Sie Folgendem zu):

Hiermit erkläre ich, dass ich den vorliegenden Test selbstständig und ohne unerlaubte fremde Hilfe/Hilfsmittel bearbeite. Mir ist bewusst, dass Täuschungen geahndet werden.

Ich erkläre mich weiterhin mit dem Online-Format dieser Prüfungsleistung einverstanden.

Alle meine Rechte und Pflichten als PrüfungsteilnehmerIn bleiben davon unberührt unverändert bestehen (SächsHSFG/SPO).

Don't forget to click "submit" before you finish: then your answers will be saved and sent off.

If you have any (technical) problems or questions during the exam, please contact me:

email =

phone = 03727 / 581782

Best of luck!